Avatar of Beata Ordowska
ul Hrubieszowska 2, PL 01-209
48 22 295 33 20
48 601 31 65 92

Beata Ordowska is an advocate and the General Partner, who established our organization in 1990. Beata has extensive experience, including:

- Consulting with regard to competition law, including with regard to antitrust procedures, legal issues of abuse of a dominant position and court disputes concerning unfair competition;

- Cooperation and consulting with regard to M&A, including representation of investors from the pharmaceutical and chemical sectors in the process of privatization of state-owned enterprises;

- Representation of clients in litigious proceedings and arbitration proceedings, including before the National Chamber of Commerce (KIG), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC);

- Consulting with regard to corporation law, including, among others, preparation and completion of a squeeze out option;
Coordinator of many privatization projects and projects related to the purchase of shares by strategic investors;

- Commercial court disputes: unfair competition law, contract law, pharmaceutical law and abuse of a dominant position in the market;

- Preparation and completion of a squeeze out option;

- Preparation and completion of share capital increases in joint-stock companies with various share prices (issue price and nominal price)/”share capital increase by the specific amount”;

- Wide experience gained during many complex commercial and civil disputes as well as during arbitration proceedings.