Avatar of Joyce Heuts
Baronielaan 28, Breda, NL 4818 RA

Attorney for personal and family law

As a family law attorney, I meet people every day who decide that it is better to go their own way. Sadness, anger, frustration, uncertainty, resentment, fear and pain are common emotions. This is often even more intense if you have children together. I am here to guide you step by step through the entire divorce process. In doing so, I pay a lot of attention to the children involved in the divorce.

A divorce is drastic for everyone, takes time and almost always involves loss. I will not only help you with the legal process. I find personal support just as important during a divorce. That is why I listen carefully to your story. Also to what you say between the lines or do not say at all. This way I find out what you really need and together we will find solutions to clear the way to a new and happy life.

What you really need as a person is my motivation. That does not mean that I go with the flow. I am critical of your behavior and the possible consequences thereof. Also on a personal level. I am honest and clear about all possibilities and impossibilities in the legal field. But I am also convinced that my experience, positivity and decisiveness make the entire process a lot more bearable. In this way, I work side by side with you to clear the way to a new and happy life. That is my passion as a lawyer and as a person. That is what I do it for.
Want to know more? Then visit www.sportiefscheiden.nl .

Specialization courses

  • Legal specialization training and mediation training of the Association of Family Law Attorneys and Divorce Mediators
  • Specialization training for juvenile law attorneys, Erasmus Academy Rotterdam

Registration Dutch Bar Association

Joyce Heuts has registered the following areas of law in the legal areas register of the Dutch Bar Association:

This registration obliges you to obtain 10 training points each calendar year in each registered area of ​​law in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.