Avatar of Marcella de Maare
Baronielaan 28, Breda, 4818 RA Breda, NL
076 533 54 35

Attorney for personal and family law

You always hope to stay together, but sometimes things don't work out. The best relationship can end in divorce. It is an emotional period in which your whole life is turned upside down in a short time. Especially if you have children together, but also if, for example, a business is at stake. Moreover, a lot needs to be arranged. I will guide you through this difficult period towards a sustainable solution so that you can continue with your life.

In many cases, mediation is an excellent way to settle the consequences of the divorce. As a mediator, I will consult with you to make agreements that you both support. For example, about the costs of the children. Or I can give advice about a parenting plan.

If mediation is not an option, I will guide you in making the right mutual agreements that come with a divorce. In this, your interests and what is going on in your mind come first for me. That is why it is an advantage in my specialty that you are a good listener and can empathize with the situation. But if necessary, I will also tell you what is going on. I will do everything I can for you, but I will not make empty promises. That is in my character. Clients call me decisive and honest. Even if it ultimately comes to a lawsuit.

I started as a lawyer in 2006, specializing in personal and family law. I have assisted married and unmarried people, with and without children. Entrepreneurs and self-employed people. Parents who had to deal with youth care or the Child Protection Board. People who need help years after the divorce because the situation has changed. But you can also contact me if you need a second opinion.

Want to know more? Visit www.sportiefscheiden.nl .

Secondary functions

  • Member and regional coordinator of the Association of Family Lawyers and Divorce Mediators, the vFAS. This is an association of lawyers who specialize in personal and family law. As regional coordinator I am the point of contact and organize lectures and other activities for the members in the field of family law.

Specialization courses

  • Legal specialization training and mediation training of the Association of Family Law Attorneys and Divorce Mediators (VFAS)

Registration Dutch Bar Association

Marcella de Maaré has registered the following areas of law in the legal areas register of the Dutch Bar Association:

This registration obliges you to obtain 10 training points each calendar year in each registered area of ​​law in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.